考獲獎學金於英國皇家北方音樂學院碩士畢業-Master of Performance(Intensive) 浸會大學音樂系畢業-Bachelor of Arts(Honours)in Music 12歲時考獲聖三一音樂學院演奏級(ATCL) 香港資優教育教師協會音樂理事 六年教學經驗,主要以廣東話、英語教學 九成學生以distinction成績考獲ABRSM 提倡以不同方式授教不同學生
C音樂 / 教學進修Chin Sir

適合練習或教學用途,西營盤港鐵站出口 1分鐘步程,提供免費Wi-Fi、藍牙喇叭、譜架、飲用水、熱茶 Perfect for practicing and teaching purposes, 1-min walk from Sai Ying Pun MTR exit, free Wi-Fi, Bluetooth speakers, music stand, drinking water, tea
場地租用 / 琴房Serpiano Music

Pro. Science/Lab Teacher with more than 20 yrs teaching experience in HK, can do in zoom.; worked as Lab Mgr of a big westerner lab for more than 5 yrs in Tor.  University & High School studies in CA.
m教學進修 / 補習monkeyshanshan

*科大BSc & MPhil in Mathematics *科大Dean's List Award得獎者 *學生曾在A-Level Maths & Further Maths均奪A*,並獲英國LSE及港大精算系offer *曾在著名國際學術期刊 Journal of Symbolic Computation 發表學術文章: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsc.2022.0
t教學進修 / 補習tycheungad

We are looking for turism, aquaculture or agriculture companies for sale or association on our investment of 736 hectares(1.819 acres) of fish ponds in concession for 45 years, from 2007 to 2052, in t

RULER CATTERY 已於在CFA美國純種貓會註冊 The Cat Fanciers' Association, Inc(簡稱:CFA) 綠眼,斑紋整齊漂亮,樣子甜美,骨架粗壯,活潑好動,性格親人,可見父母 美國CFA純種貓證書一張獸醫針卡,定期杜蟲杜蚤 雙方協議書: 一個月健康保證期
寵物 / 寵物轉讓ruler cattery

乒乓球教學理念 (Teaching Idea): 因材施教( to teach students in accordance with their aptitude)

英國皇家音樂學院8級鋼琴 英國皇家音樂學院8級樂理 英國皇家音樂學院7級長笛 香港大學專業進修學院音樂治療深造文憑 現任導師具資深教學經驗 The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music Grade 8 Piano, Grade 8 Music Theory, Grade 7 Flute YouTube@Miss Lee
音樂 / 教學進修Music Cupcake

Piano teaching, Theory, Aural Training.More than 20 years teaching experience in H.K. & Australia. Miss Wong 鋼琴老師 | 演奏 | 音樂伴奏

Teaching basketball
K運動及健身 / 球類運動Katsuyoshi Shinoda

The office will be shared with another independent agency. You will have 1-4 desks and storage space. We prefer people who are in the fields of tutoring, strings teaching, consulting, writing and some

Miss Lee - Professional Economics Tutor. 10+ years full-time teaching experience ( IB, GCE-AL, IGCSE/GCSE, AP, IAL, HKDSE, university economics and related subjects) for both local & overseas students
M教學進修 / 補習Miss Lee

RULER CATTERY 已於在CFA美國純種貓會註冊 The Cat Fanciers' Association, Inc(簡稱:CFA) 綠眼,斑紋整齊漂亮,樣子甜美,骨架粗壯,活潑好動,性格親人,可見父母 美國CFA純種貓證書一張獸醫針卡,定期杜蟲杜蚤 雙方協議書: 一個月健康保證期

Ruler Cattery 已於在CFA美國純種貓會註冊 The Cat Fanciers' Association, Inc(簡稱:CFA) 綠眼,斑紋整齊漂亮,樣子甜美,骨架粗壯,活潑好動,性格親人,可見父母 美國CFA純種貓證書一張獸醫針卡,定期杜蟲杜蚤 雙方協議書: 一個月健康保證期

Postgraduate | 10+Years Experienced in Teaching English (Language and Literature) 十年補習英文|Proven Track Record | Exam Boards Covered: HKDSE / IGCSE (CIE/EDEXCEL/AQA) / IB / IELTS

music teaching

specialize in teaching Mandarin and Spanish with experience and lots of patience.
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